Những mẩu truyện ngắn tiếng Anh giáo dục hay nhất dành cho thiếu nhi

Với trẻ nhỏ, cách giáo dục chúng tốt nhất là qua các câu chuyện thiếu nhi kể trước khi đi ngủ. Hãy cùng studytienganh tìm hiểu những cuốn truyện tiếng anh cho bé mà bố mẹ không nên bỏ qua nhé!


1. Câu chuyện nhỏ thứ nhất - Where is Yellow?


truyện tiếng anh

Màu vàng đâu rồi?



One, there lived a box of paint tubes in an artist’s house.


"I don't want to paint with you guys," the yellow tube told her boxmates. “I don’t want to become thin and ugly.”


That that day, the artist determined to create the most beautiful painting ever for all of the world's children.


The artist painted the trees with brown. But something was missing. What was it?


The artist painted the leaves with green. But something was missing. What was it?


the artist painted the sky with blue. But something was missing. What was it?


She painted the flowers with red and pink. Still, something was missing.


She painted the red dragonflies, the lime green parrots, the snow-white rabbit, and the grey elephant. But something was STILL missing.


What do you think that was missing in the painting?


The artist opened the window and looked outside. Now she knew what was missing. It was the sun!


“Yellow? Yellow! Yellowwww!” She needed yellow to paint the sun. Do you know where yellow was hiding?


Yellow was nowhere to be seen! But what about the most beautiful artwork for all of the world's children?


What could be done?


Yellow thought and thought…


Then she stuck her head out of her hiding place, whispering, “ Here I am. You can paint the sun now.”


There! The artist could now paint the most beautiful painting ever for all the children in the world.


Do you like it?


Câu hỏi tương tác: Màu vàng lo lắng vì sẽ bị sử dụng hết màu. Nhưng cuối cùng cô ấy vẫn quyết định tham gia vào bức tranh đẹp nhất dành tặng tất cả các bạn nhỏ trên thế giới. Con nghĩ tại sao Màu vàng lại quyết định như vậy?


2. Câu chuyện nhỏ thứ 2 - The best nest


truyện tiếng anh

Khi Chim Xanh đi tìm chiếc tổ mới, không cái nào có thể tốt bằng chiếc tổ mà anh ấy có lúc đầu



Blue Bird is bored. "I'm bored of this nest," he adds. "We need a new home."


"If you insist," Brown Bird responds. "But I'm not moving unless the new nest is better than the one we have now."


"Of course, it'll be a great nest." "I'm going to locate the most beautiful nest ever!" Blue Bird makes a declaration.


“Look at this lovely nest! It is soft and cozy and we can each have our own bed. This is certainly the best nest for us.”


But it isn’t! It's just a pair of slippers.


“Look at this beautìul nest. It is so bright and colorful. This is the very best nest.”


But it isn’t! It's just a cat food box.


“Look at this shiny nest. See how it sparkles. This is the best nest yet.”


But it isn’t! It’s just a trash can.


“Look at this large nest! It even has its own door. This is the best nest of all.”


But it isn’t! It’s just a dog kennel.


“Look at this nest. See how well it has been built. This is the best nest ever!”


“Yes, it is,” says Brown Bird.


In the end, they returned to their original nest.


Câu hỏi tương tác: Trong câu chuyện này hai chú chim đã tìm thấy chiếc tổ tuyệt vời nhất ở đâu? Con rút ra được bài học gì?


3. Câu chuyện nhỏ thứ 3 - A pebble in my shoe


truyện tiếng anh

Sự xúc phạm từ một người khác cũng giống như “Viên sỏi trong đôi giày”



There’s a pebble  in my shoes,

Where there was nothing before.


Did it come from the street?

Where I went to hear the drums.

Dhum! Dhuma! Dhum!


Or did it come from the sky?

Dropped by a cloud, a bird, or a clumsy giant.


There’s a pebble in my shoes,

Where there was nothing before.


Did it come from park?

Where I made friends with a frog.

Trrr! Trrr! Trrr! 


Or did it come on a flying carpert?

From a story long ago.


There’s a pebble in my shoes,

Where there was nothing before.


Did it come from a train?

Chugging all the way from Lahore.

Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!


Or did it swim all the way here?

With a sea monster far away from home.


There’s a pebble in my shoes,

Where there was nothing before.

Oh, were could it have come from?

If only I knew.


Oh, look! There’s a feather in my shoe!


Câu hỏi tương tác: Cậu bé trong câu chuyện tò mò không biết viên sỏi rơi vào giày của cậu từ đâu đến và đặt ra rất nhiều câu hỏi về điều đó. Con có nghĩ rằng tính tò mò sẽ giúp ích cho chúng ta trong cuộc sống không?


4. Câu chuyện nhỏ thứ 4 - Frog Starry Wish


truyện tiếng anh

Nỗ lực của con ếch để đến gần hơn với những vì sao…



Frog loved looking at the stars. He wanted to jump up and touch them.


He climbed a big rock, and reached out for them. But they were out of his reach.


The stars were so far away!


Then, he saw a hillock. Up he climbed.


He reached out his hands, but the stars remained out of reach.


He began climbing the tree. He struggled up the mountain.


He reached out his hands... But the stars remained beyond of grasp.


He was let down. He bowed his head. His heart skipped a beat because he was terrified.


"I won't be terrified," he said to himself, putting his hand to his heart. "I can do it!"


Then he saw a pond. The stars were twinkling in the water.


He gazed at the stars and was joyous. He dived into the pond.


Then closer he got to the pond, the closer he seemed to the stars.


Câu hỏi tương tác: Chú ếch muốn chạm tới được những vì sao, chú đã theo đuổi ước mơ của mình như thế nào? Cuối cùng cách để chú đạt được ước mơ của mình có giống suy nghĩ ban đầu của chú không?


Trên đây là những truyện tiếng anh ngắn giáo dục dành cho thiếu nhi mà các bố mẹ không nên bỏ qua. Đừng quên theo dõi studytienganh để biết thêm nhiều câu chuyện bổ ích và thú vị. Hẹn gặp lại các bạn trong những bài viết tiếp theo của studytienganh!



Khám phá ngay !