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Từ vựng Loại từ Pronunciation Ví dụ Hình ảnh Phát âm
thuốc kháng sinh
noun /,æntibai'ɒtik/ He was discharged home two days after surgery, with a course of antibiotics for three days.
đơn thuốc, toa thuốc
noun /'pri'skrip∫n/ The drug is only sold with a prescription.
thuốc (để trị bệnh)
noun /'medisn/ He forgot to take his medicine.
viên tròn
noun /pil/ She took a pill for her headache.
thuốc viên
noun /'tæblit/ An amount of ecstasy tablets were also seized in this raid.
bác sĩ
noun /'dɒktə[r]/ I think you should see a doctor.
bác sĩ tham vấn
noun /kən'sʌltənt/ He was then appointed as locum consultant urologist at Dewsbury and District Hospital.
bác sĩ phẫu thuật
noun /'sɜ:dʒən/ Patients with jaundice are still most often referred to surgeons, though in practice few require surgery.
bệnh nhân, người bệnh
noun /'pei∫nt/ Several patients were waiting to see the doctor
bác sĩ sản khoa
noun /i:'kɒlədʒist/ When I discovered I was pregnant I opted to see a gynaecologist privately
y tá; nữ y tá
noun /nɜ:s/ The nurse will take your blood pressure before the doctor sees you.
bệnh viện
noun /'hɒspitl/ She'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.
ống chuyền máu
noun /drip/ The doctor put the patient on a morphine drip to manage the pain.
phẫu thuật
noun /,ɒpə'rei∫n/ She is recovering from a major heart operation.
phẫu thuật
noun /'sɜ:dʒəri/ He's a specialist in brain surgery.
khu vực chữa bệnh
noun /wɔ:d/ She works in the cancer/maternity/psychiatric ward.
cuộc hẹn
noun /ə'pɔintmənt/ I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning at nine o'clock.
người tàn tật
noun /dis'eibld/ She's always been an effective spokesperson for the disabled.
sự tiêm, sự chích
noun /in'dʒek∫n/ Nurses give the injections.
sự tiêm chủng
noun /,væksi'nei∫n/ Doctors at the meeting expressed concerned over a lack of available vaccinations should an outbreak occur.

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